Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CObjectHandler::my_ilessStd::string specialized case insensitive version of less
 CObjectHandler::CallerDimensionsThe dimensions of the calling range
 CObjectHandler::CallerTypeThe environment which called the function that is currently running
 CObjectHandler::CallingRangeProcessing for the host cell of an Object
 CObjectHandler::Coerce< TypeIn, TypeOut >Base class in support of datatype coercion
 CObjectHandler::ConvertOperPerform datatype conversions of OPERs
 CObjectHandler::empty_property_tagPlaceholder for a null value
 CObjectHandler::ExceptionSimple implementation of an exception
 CObjectHandler::FunctionCallSingleton encapsulating state relating to Excel function call
 CObjectHandler::LoopIteration< LoopFunction, InputType, OutputType >Execute one iteration of the loop function
 CObjectHandler::LoopIteration< LoopFunction, InputType, void >Partial specialization for LoopIteration where return type is void
 CObjectHandler::ObjectInterface for Objects to be stored in the ObjectHandler Repository
 CObjectHandler::GroupA collection of Objects
 CObjectHandler::LibraryObject< LibraryClass >Customizes the Object class for most typical uses
 CObjectHandler::RangeContainer for a matrix of doubles
 CObjectHandler::ObservableObject that notifies its changes to a set of observers
 CObjectHandler::ObjectWrapperContainer to ensure that Object references are updated
 CObjectHandler::ObjectWrapperXLCustomization of the ObjectWrapper class for the Excel platform
 CObjectHandler::ObserverObject that gets notified when a given observable changes
 CObjectHandler::ObjectWrapperContainer to ensure that Object references are updated
 CObjectHandler::ProcessorRestore the state of an Object after deserialization
 CObjectHandler::DefaultProcessorDefault behavior for post serialization processing of an Object
 CObjectHandler::ProcessorFactoryManage all of the Processor objects which are defined for this environment
 CObjectHandler::property_tA value of variant type
 CObjectHandler::RangeReferenceA utility class for parsing range references in string format
 CObjectHandler::Registry< KeyClass >A registry of enumerated types and classes
 CObjectHandler::Registry< KeyPair >
 CObjectHandler::EnumPairRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for "pairs"
 CObjectHandler::Registry< std::string >
 CObjectHandler::EnumClassRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for enumerated classes
 CObjectHandler::EnumTypeRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for enumerated types
 CObjectHandler::RegistryManager< T, RegistryClass >Manage access to an Enumeration Registry
 CObjectHandler::RegistryManager< T, EnumTypeRegistry >
 CObjectHandler::Create< T >Create the enumerated type associated with a string
 CObjectHandler::RepositoryMaintain a store of Objects
 CObjectHandler::RepositoryXLExcel-specific enhancements to the Repository class
 CObjectHandler::SerializationFactoryA Singleton wrapping the boost::serialization interface
 CObjectHandler::Singleton< T >Basic support for the singleton pattern
 CObjectHandler::LoggerWrapper for the logging framework
 CObjectHandler::Singleton< Configuration >
 CObjectHandler::ConfigurationGlobal configuration information specific to the Excel session
 CObjectHandler::Singleton< Logger >
 CObjectHandler::ValueObjectCapture the values of the arguments passed to the Object constructor
 CObjectHandler::XloperPerform RAII for Excel's XLOPER datatype