Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCallerDimensionsThe dimensions of the calling range
 CCallerTypeThe environment which called the function that is currently running
 CCallingRangeProcessing for the host cell of an Object
 CCoerceBase class in support of datatype coercion
 CConfigurationGlobal configuration information specific to the Excel session
 CConvertOperPerform datatype conversions of OPERs
 CCreateCreate the enumerated type associated with a string
 CDefaultProcessorDefault behavior for post serialization processing of an Object
 Cempty_property_tagPlaceholder for a null value
 CEnumClassRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for enumerated classes
 CEnumPairRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for "pairs"
 CEnumTypeRegistryA concrete instantiation of the Registry class, for enumerated types
 CExceptionSimple implementation of an exception
 CFunctionCallSingleton encapsulating state relating to Excel function call
 CGroupA collection of Objects
 CLibraryObjectCustomizes the Object class for most typical uses
 CLoggerWrapper for the logging framework
 CLoopIterationExecute one iteration of the loop function
 CLoopIteration< LoopFunction, InputType, void >Partial specialization for LoopIteration where return type is void
 Cmy_ilessStd::string specialized case insensitive version of less
 CObjectInterface for Objects to be stored in the ObjectHandler Repository
 CObjectWrapperContainer to ensure that Object references are updated
 CObjectWrapperXLCustomization of the ObjectWrapper class for the Excel platform
 CObservableObject that notifies its changes to a set of observers
 CObserverObject that gets notified when a given observable changes
 CProcessorRestore the state of an Object after deserialization
 CProcessorFactoryManage all of the Processor objects which are defined for this environment
 Cproperty_tA value of variant type
 CRangeContainer for a matrix of doubles
 CRangeReferenceA utility class for parsing range references in string format
 CRegistryA registry of enumerated types and classes
 CRegistryManagerManage access to an Enumeration Registry
 CRepositoryMaintain a store of Objects
 CRepositoryXLExcel-specific enhancements to the Repository class
 CSerializationFactoryA Singleton wrapping the boost::serialization interface
 CSingletonBasic support for the singleton pattern
 CValueObjectCapture the values of the arguments passed to the Object constructor
 CXloperPerform RAII for Excel's XLOPER datatype