File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 all.hpp#includes for all Excel conversion functions
 callingrange.hppClass CallingRange - Processing for the host cell of an Object
 coerce.hppClass Coerce - Support for automatic conversion of datatypes
 configuration.hppClass Configuration - Global configuration information
 convert2.hppGeneric conversion functions - used to convert from property_t or OPER to an C++ data type
 convert_oper.hppClass ConvertOper - Perform datatype conversions of OPERs
 enumregistry.hppEnumRegistry Classes - Concrete implementations of class Registry
 exception.hppClass Exception - A simple Exception class for ObjectHandler
 functioncall.hppClass FunctionCall - Handle state related to the function in progress
 getobjectvector.hppHelper functions to facilitate retrieval of Object lists
 group.hppClass Group - A collection of Objects
 iless.hppIs_less comparison functors and less predicates
 libraryobject.hppA customization of the Object class, suitable for most applications
 logger.hppLogger class wrapper for logging framework
 loop.hppSupport for Excel functions which loop on an input value
 matrixtooper.hppConversion function matrixToOper - Convert matrix to Excel OPER
 object.hppClass Object - Define interface for Objects to be stored in the Repository
 objecthandlerxl.hpp#includes for all functionality in ObjectHandler
 objectwrapper.hppClass ObjectWrapper - Ensure that Object references are up to date
 objectwrapperxl.hppClass ObjectWrapperXL - Customization of the ObjectWrapper class for the Excel platform
 observable.hppObserver/observable pattern
 ohdefines.hppPreprocessor directives for ObjectHandler compilation
 opertomatrix.hppConversion function operToMatrix - convert an OPER to a matrix
 opertovector.hppConversion function operToVector - convert an OPER to a std::vector
 processor.hppClass Processor - Restore an Object's state after deserialization
 property.hppClass property_t - A class to represent any of a selection of native C++ datatypes
 range.hppClass Range - Container for a matrix of doubles
 rangereference.hppClass RangeReference - Parse range references in string format
 register_all.hppRegister/Unregister the Addin functions with Excel
 registry.hppClass Registry - A registry of enumerated types and classes
 repository.hppClass Repository - Maintain a store of Objects
 repositoryxl.hppClass RepositoryXL - Excel-specific enhancements to the Repository class
 scalartooper.hppConversion function scalarToOper - convert an Excel OPER to a scalar value
 serializationfactory.hppClass SerializationFactory - A Singleton wrapping the boost::serialization interface
 singleton.hppBasic support for the singleton pattern
 typefactory.hppClass RegistryManager - Manage access to an Enumeration Registry
 utilities.hppObjectHandler utilities
 validations.hppMiscellaneous validation routines
 valueobject.hppClass ValueObject - Captures the inputs to an Object
 vectortooper.hppConversion function vectorToOper - Convert STL vector to Excel OPER
 xloper.hppClass Xloper - Perform RAII for Excel's XLOPER datatype
 xlutilities.hppGeneral utility functions for the Excel platform